Terms of Use

QRS Website Terms of Use

1. Subject to the following terms and conditions, QwantumRights Solutions Corp. (QRS) makes available various content on our website www.qwantumrights.com.   In accessing this website, you agree with the following terms and conditions.  QRS reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions as QRS deems necessary and at its sole discretion. If you do not accept this Agreement, you must not access or use the QRS website.


2. All materials displayed or otherwise accessible through the Website, including but not limited to text, graphics, videos, photos, trademarks, the QRS logo and other materials (collectively, "Content") are protected by copyright and trade-mark laws, and are owned by QRS.  Subject to paragraph 3 below, no Content or portion of Content on the website may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without the express written consent of QRS. Any third-party trademarks, company names or trade names referenced on the QRS website are for informational purposes only and are the property of the respective owners.

Website Information Use

3. Subject to the ownership rights of QRS specified in above paragraph 2, visitors to the website are free to view, print, copy, and distribute the Content contained on the QRS website subject to the following:

a. The Content contained on the website is intended for informational, non-commercial, or personal uses only.

b. The Content cannot be modified or altered by any means.

c. Content copied from the QRS website must contain and include notice of QRS’s copyright ownership and a notice that the copied Content was reproduced pursuant to these Terms of Use. 

4. QRS, in its sole discretion, retains the right to revoke the permissions described above, at any time.  In such cases, the use of any Content obtained from the QRS website are to be discontinued immediately upon written notice from QwantumRights Solutions Corp.

Third Party Website Links

5. The QRS website includes links to other third-party sites, primarily those of QRS’s business partners and over which QRS has no control. QRS makes no representations whatsoever concerning any third-party website accessed from the QRS website.

6. Should you access a third-party website from the QRS website, you do so at your risk.  QRS is in no way responsible for the reliability, accuracy, data, advice, opinions, or statements made on any other website.  QRS recommends that when you visit any website, including those of our business partners, you review and respect the terms of use on that website.  QRS is not responsible for any website or the material on any website other than its own.

Warranties and Disclaimers

7. In no event shall QRS or any of its employees, consultants, representatives, officers, directors, agents, or licensors ("QRS Released Parties") be liable for damages or loss of any kind arising from your use of, reliance upon, or inability to use the QRS Website or its Content.

8. The QRS website and the Content is provided "as is" and "as available", without warranty or condition of any kind. QRS expressly disclaims all warranties and conditions in respect to the website and the Content, to the fullest extent permissible under applicable law. You acknowledge and agree that you are using the website and the Content, if applicable, at your own risk and liability. 

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Terms of Use, please contact us at info@qwantumrights.com.